Tuesday, March 4th, the day before Lent begins, the Sunburst Lions Club's holding their Pancake Supper event. The cakes will ...
You betcha! The Annual Cut Bank Snowgoers Poker Ride's a GO for NEXT Saturday, the 22nd.The Snowgoers, will meet from 9:45, ...
Mariah Carey's 1994 cover of a Badfinger song became an international hit 24 years after it was first released.
Presidents Day week, the 16th, through this Saturday, the 22nd, is National FFA Week. Our Shelby FFA, is hosting a Farmer ...
The Toole County Library's Book Sale's on now, & the sale's going to run full tilt until midway through April. Don't worry ...
Tammie was born in Choteau, Montana, and raised on a farm in the Golden Triangle, just outside of Choteau. Graduating from Great Falls High in the mid-80s, she headed to Billings to attend ...
Nick Northern moved to Montana in 2000 and has made Great Falls his radio home ever since. A fan of music, but unable to play an instrument, Nick felt radio was the way to stay connected to music.
The Triangle Square Quilt Guild, has a meeting planned for this coming week. The Squares will be getting together this ...
Make that a real SHOWCASE! Shelby Speech & Drama's putting on a Showcase on Monday night, at the Shelby High School ...
Yeah, wake up & smell the coffee! Last Saturday morning, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I had book #1, of "Stanley; A Prairie Dog's Tale," up for grabs. Tomorrow (Sat) morning, on sports trivia, I'll have ...