Patagonia makes some of the best outdoor gear on the market. From sleeping bags to crossbody bags, the retailer keeps you ...
Terri Daxon is a freelance writer and the owner of Daxon Marketing Communications. She gives her perspective on Brea issues twice a month.
Need a solid tablet on the cheap? Right now, the Lenovo Tab M9 is part of a manufacturer doorbuster sale, where you’ll be able to buy it for just $94!
From new backpacks to school supplies, electronics and clothes ... Best Buy: There's no specific discount, but you may be able to find special deals through the Back to School Student Hub.
W hen Lauren, a rule-abiding eighth-grader in New York, got her first school-issued Yondr phone pouch in sixth grade, she ...
Virginia grocery stores could be forced to do away with plastic shopping bags. House Bill 1662, introduced by Del. Michael Jones (D-Chesterfield), would make it illegal for any grocery store in ...
For two desert schools, Indio and Desert Mirage High School in Thermal, part of that battle was just made a little easier. Each of those schools are receiving 14 new sets of clubs for boys and girls ...
People living in Motherwell and Wishaw are being encouraged to check if they qualify for extra financial support. Eligible households could get a grant of up to £2,000 to help with rising energy costs ...
Approximately 80% of Houston ISD students — or more than 146,000 children — are "economically disadvantaged." Here's how one ...
Mrs Giles, of Hackham West, said she had spent $1500 on uniforms, shoes, school bags, hats and other back to school items ... Others can buy laptops at a 15 per cent discount through a department bulk ...
who gave us not a significant discount but a discount for clubs and bags.” The donations for each school include six right-handed girls sets, six right-handed boys sets of three shaft ...
SHE describes herself as a “bad mum”. But Whitney has still been left fuming after discovering she’s once again been reported ...