Liam Neeson has starred in several famous movie franchises, but there was one that he decided to turn down. The role ended up ...
As a famous Key & Peele speech memorably emphasized, Liam Neeson is a beloved modern action movie institution. Once known for his gravitas-infused portrayals of historical figures, 2009’s Taken ...
Liam Neeson has made for a great action star, but the highest-rated movies of his career prove that it is time for him to step away from the genre. Schindler's List ... in order to save Gotham ...
Northern Ireland-born superstar Liam Neeson hits regional Victoria for The Mongoose, his third film in the state in four ...
The big reason why there are two Taken sequels and a seemingly endless parade of Liam Neeson action movies is that viewers genuinely liked his character, Bryan Mills. In the first film ...
Then – boom – seemingly out of nowhere there's a brand new Netflix no.1 movie to disrupt the order of said list. It's no shock or surprise that a Liam Neeson-fronted flick has rocketed up the ...